‘Never Left | 不曾離開’
Liang is the product of a global upbringing. He was born in Taiwan, however was raised from an early age in Mainland China. During his adolescence he relocated to Australia, and then later to Canada for high school and post-secondary education. Liang has since chosen to put down some permanent roots in Canada, and maintains a residence there to this day.
For the first time in nearly three decades, Liang has returned to the place of his birth. His intent is to reclaim a lost personal heritage and experience his native culture firsthand. This new series of work brings the discovery of something new, yet oddly familiar, to life.
The exhibition expresses a sense of nostalgia, like watching a long forgotten film once again. Liang expertly captures the everyday experience in Taiwan with an almost cinematic air. His sensitive observation of the Taiwanese experience attempt to forge connection, and create non-existent memories to compensate for his many years abroad.
Liang is the product of a global upbringing. He was born in Taiwan, however was raised from an early age in Mainland China. During his adolescence he relocated to Australia, and then later to Canada for high school and post-secondary education. Liang has since chosen to put down some permanent roots in Canada, and maintains a residence there to this day.
For the first time in nearly three decades, Liang has returned to the place of his birth. His intent is to reclaim a lost personal heritage and experience his native culture firsthand. This new series of work brings the discovery of something new, yet oddly familiar, to life.
The exhibition expresses a sense of nostalgia, like watching a long forgotten film once again. Liang expertly captures the everyday experience in Taiwan with an almost cinematic air. His sensitive observation of the Taiwanese experience attempt to forge connection, and create non-existent memories to compensate for his many years abroad.

‘Never Left | 不曾離開’
王量在世界文化的洗滌下成長,出生於台灣,在中國長大,接著移居澳洲,再至加拿大就讀 高中及接受高等教育。至此之後,王量選擇在加拿大紮根,至今仍在加拿大居住。
將近三十年後,王量尋著鄉愁第一次搬回到他的出生地——台灣,他的用意在於找回自我 與鄉土失去的連結以及親生體驗台灣的本土文化。王量此系列的新作品展現給視聽者他在 這塊寶島所發掘之新奇、似曾相識卻又極為陌生的事物,如同生活。
本次的展覽表現出一絲的鄉愁,猶如再次細細品嚐那部早已忘卻的電影。王量用近乎電影氣 息般的繪圖技巧熟練地捕捉每天在台灣的生活體驗。他用對台灣文化的敏銳觀察試圖建立個 人與台灣本土的聯繫,創造出那些他不存在的記憶,拼湊出他旅居國外數年對台灣的缺失記 憶拼圖。
王量在世界文化的洗滌下成長,出生於台灣,在中國長大,接著移居澳洲,再至加拿大就讀 高中及接受高等教育。至此之後,王量選擇在加拿大紮根,至今仍在加拿大居住。
將近三十年後,王量尋著鄉愁第一次搬回到他的出生地——台灣,他的用意在於找回自我 與鄉土失去的連結以及親生體驗台灣的本土文化。王量此系列的新作品展現給視聽者他在 這塊寶島所發掘之新奇、似曾相識卻又極為陌生的事物,如同生活。
本次的展覽表現出一絲的鄉愁,猶如再次細細品嚐那部早已忘卻的電影。王量用近乎電影氣 息般的繪圖技巧熟練地捕捉每天在台灣的生活體驗。他用對台灣文化的敏銳觀察試圖建立個 人與台灣本土的聯繫,創造出那些他不存在的記憶,拼湊出他旅居國外數年對台灣的缺失記 憶拼圖。

‘窗外 #1 / Through the Window #1’
‘Never Left | 不曾離開’ Opens May 15th.
Vernissage ; May 15th 15:00 - 19:00
Arcade Art Gallery
#154 2F Nanhua rd. Xinxin Dist. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Formosa blvd MRT exit 10)
‘Never Left | 不曾離開’
開幕式時間:五月十五日, 15:00—19:00
Arcade Art Gallery
(高雄美麗島站 10號出口)
︎: https://fb.me/e/3KNWPRFwm
Vernissage ; May 15th 15:00 - 19:00
Arcade Art Gallery
#154 2F Nanhua rd. Xinxin Dist. Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (Formosa blvd MRT exit 10)
‘Never Left | 不曾離開’
開幕式時間:五月十五日, 15:00—19:00
Arcade Art Gallery
(高雄美麗島站 10號出口)
︎: https://fb.me/e/3KNWPRFwm

Artworks :

‘排排站 | In a Row’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘幽會 | Tryst’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘鼎泰豐 | Din Tai Fung’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘藍色小貨車 | Blue Truck’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘建造 摧毀 | Build and Destroy’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘收攤 | Closing Time’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘伴 #2 | Partners #2’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘無人之境 | Into the Wild’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘漁港 | Fishing Harbor’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘窗外 #1 | Through the Window #1’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘校外教學 | Field Trip’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘伴 #1 | Partners #1’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘戴藍色口罩的少女 | Girl with a Blue Mask‘ Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘迷你 | MINI’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘基隆 | Keelung’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘同歡 | Play Date’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘入龍喉 出虎口
| Entering a Dragon’s Throat and
Coming Out a Tiger’s Mouth’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘釣者 | Fisherman’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘窗外 #2 | Through the Window #2’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

‘慢活 | Slow Living’
Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

Gouache on paper
Paper size: 9x6”
Image size: 8x5”

Acrylic and oil on canvas
35.56 x 27.94 cm

‘ 阿嬤家的巷子 | The Alley at Grandma's Place‘ Acrylic and oil on canvas
35.56 x 27.94 cm

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